Major Causes of Workplace Injuries

According to the National Safety Council, every 7 seconds, a worker sustains an injury on the job. These can range from minor cuts and bruises to major injuries from which employees never recover.
Accidents occur due to factors such as negligence, overexertion, and even faulty machinery. In all instances, however, they’re avoidable, provided that preventive measures are put into place.
In this article, we go over the major causes of workplace injuries and how they can be avoided.


According to a news release by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, overexertion was identified as the biggest contributor to workplace injuries. It includes injuries resulting from pulling, pushing, lifting, holding, throwing, or carrying objects.
The most effective way to prevent such injuries is to make use of equipment that is ergonomically sound. Ergonomics is the science of customizing something so it’s best suited to the body while causing the least amount of stress to it. Part of implementing such a process includes introducing actions such as routine breaks between repetitive tasks, allocating varying duties to each worker, and providing knowledge and training on how to best use machinery.


Most industrial work requires employees to be focused on the job and implement a number of safety procedures. However, being distracted by personal issues can cause them to drop their guard and unintentionally get hurt.
Adhering to a housekeeping program, facility standards, ground maintenance, and an awareness of one’s surroundings prevents the mind from wandering away and to remain on the job at hand.

Repetitive Motions

Injuries resulting from repetitive motions prove especially harmful in the long-run. For example, continuous use of the computer causes strain on the tendons and muscles causing vision problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, and back pain. Implementing ergonomic equipment such as back supports and vision-friendly monitors can greatly reduce health damages.

Slips and Trips

An uneven surface or lack of friction between the ground and footwear causes workers to slip. Lack of machinery and/or material management can also lead to employees to trip over tools and machinery. According to an Injury Impact Report published by Travelers, instances involving trips, slips, and falls account for 16% of all work-related injuries. Good housecleaning practices, sufficient lighting, and adequate footwear are all effective means of preventing such incidents from taking place.


Collisions with objects that are swinging, falling, rolling, or flying without sufficient time to react and/or being deprived of the ability to properly identify incoming objects often results in serious injuries and even death. It is crucial that all workers must be equipped with the proper safety gear including hard hats, face shield, goggles, warning signage, and everything else related to compliance.
Utilizing proper equipment is equally important when it comes to preventing workplace injuries. Hovair Systems manufactures heavy machinery lifting equipment that requires minimal expertise to operate and is in line with all industry safety standards. Contact them today for more information.


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